How to sanitise your music room during this pandemic?
Several studies are underway to investigate the transmission of COVID-19 in musical settings. Several studies are underway to document the transmission of the virus. They concluded that as long as physical distancing rules were in place, there was no increased risk of spreading or catching the COVID-19 virus for musicians of all kinds (through aerosol droplets or increased/heavier breathing). Concern is for the health and safety of all students & staff. It is of utmost importance that the safety conditions, as described by your local and provincial Health Departments and School Board, are being applied and adhered to by the school. Once those recommendations are met, there are some specific recommendations for music classrooms in order to ensure the continued safety of students and staff. For stringed instruments, including orchestral strings, guitar and ukulele, isopropyl alcohol which is above 70% should only be used on the strings and unfinished finger and fret boards...